New property listed in Whitmore Park, Regina

Individuals who prefer a great deal of privacy may find condo living challenging to their senses. After all, most condominium communities have dozens or even hundreds of units, usually joined by common walls. This means means that quite a few people are likely to be coming and going regularly - and possibly making some noise as well. However, there are quite a few buyers who enjoy engaging with others in the neighbourhood and forge strong connections. An additional perk of having multiple neighbours is that they tend to keep an eye on things which can serve as an unspoken safety measure, as they are likely to report any suspicious activity they see occurring on the premises.
Potential buyers who appreciate upscale amenities like swimming pools, clubhouses, workout rooms, tennis courts and jogging trails are likely to appreciate having access to such amenities. Furthermore, because the condo management hires companies using condo fees, to take care of maintaining these amenities, owners don't have to concern themselves with any upkeep whatsoever.
On the flip side, residents don't get to choose what amenities they have unless they happen to live there when condo board is considering putting in a new feature. Often homeowners are permitted to vote yay or nay and have input on such additions. For the most part though, buyers get what they get and will be contributing to the costs of maintenance regardless of whether they utilize the amenities or not.
Condo Boards are generally an elected group of residents of a planned subdivision or condo community that handles:
If the idea of such a group wielding so much power makes a buyer uncomfortable, the condo lifestyle might not be the best choice.
Concerning the Condo board, many residents prefer that this entity and their contractors handle the majority of exterior maintenance in addition to common area upkeep within condominium communities similar to Cenere Square Place as an example. This includes tasks such as parking lot cleanup, tree trimming, landscaping installations and maintenance, fencing repairs, painting of the condo's exterior and often much more.
While these are generally paid for through homeowner's monthly or annual dues, there are times when serious repairs may be necessary and will cause the board to pass onspecial assessment fees to owners. Furthermore, owners will have very little say about the colour of their home and other exterior features like landscaping, and any improvements or changes will need to be approved by the board.
Those seeking a long term investment might be impressed by trending condo values.
Condo prices in Regina are steady, and this is similar across most of Canada. The key to success for investors is to ensure that they will reside within the home for a period between three to five years to avoid taxation issues and the burdens that can accompany a big move. Buyers who are looking to establish a stronger credit history and take a chance on seeing some capital appreciation may find a short-term solution through buying a condo.
Considering buying a condo in Canada? Condos have many advantages - though as in many home choices, there are disadvantages as well. A local real estate professional will be able to assist in discussing advantages and disadvantages of condo living.
Direct 306-527-0500
Office 306-791-7666
2350 - 2ND AVENUE
Regina, SK
S4R 1A6